Who is Bridger Walker?

And what is his story?

In early 2016, Bridger’s world was turned upside down. At nineteen (19) months old, we introduced him to his brand-new baby sister. As his parents, we were anxious about how he would react, but without hesitation, he jumped into the oversized hospital chair and waited patiently for his turn to hold her. Since that moment, there was a special bond between him and his sister. His little chubby-cheeked smile filled the room. When his grandpa asked for a turn, Bridger pointed to his chest, making clear his turn was not up. And so it continued for the next 15 minutes.

Since that time, Bridger rarely strays far from his little sister, sometimes to the irritation of her much less social nature. Bridger is gregarious, always learning, so full of love, and an absolute joy to have in our lives. Our home and our hearts would feel empty without him.

Since he was small, Bridger, his father, and his older brother have taken on the great challenge of training in Brazilian jiu jitsu at their local academy. Bridger began as one of the youngest and smallest in the class. That size difference gave him the opportunity to confront larger and more experienced opponents regularly.

So on July 9, 2020, it was no surprise to us that he stepped up to the plate in a major way. Please know that we have no desire to embellish what transpired. Our knowledge of events is necessarily limited to what we heard from our then four (4) year old daughter and from Bridger’s own account of events.

While at a friend’s house, Bridger and his sister went into the home’s back yard. Upon entering the yard, the child with them pointed to one dog and said, “that is the nice dog,” and pointed to the other dog in the yard, explaining, “that is the mean one.”

Bridger explained how, at that moment, the mean one ran at them. In Bridger’s words, “I stepped to the side, in front of my sister so that the dog wouldn’t get to her. I kept moving, so it couldn’t get past.”

Tragically, instead of running off, the dog leaped and latched onto Bridger’s cheek.

Hero Brother Stands in Front of Sister

Bridger’s father was able to ride with him in the ambulance, and stay by his side, while his mother went home to care for and comfort the rest of the family.

At the hospital, emergency workers immediately wheeled Bridger into a curtained-off area. The only time he cried was when he got the IV.

At one point, the assigned animal control officer came to tell us the dog was up to date on its vaccinations. She also explained that the dog’s owners were the ones that called to report the incident, that the dog was a 1 year old German Shepard mix rescue, and that the owners decided to put the dog to sleep.

Bridger responded, “I don’t want anything bad to happen to the dog.”  We assured him that the animal police would take care of the dog and that he wouldn’t ever need to worry about seeing it again.

The most challenging moment for Bridger’s father was during a quiet moment between CT scans and X-Rays.  While he sat in a folding chair next to Bridger’s hospital bed, he began to ask about what happened and was able to gather the details above.

When Bridger explained how he had shielded his sister, his father asked why he did that. Bridger, in his own words and without hesitation, declared, “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.”

Bridger’s father was able to keep it together just long enough for emergency workers to wheel Bridger into surgery. The surgery would be a nearly two (2) hour procedure; it involved pulling his face and scalp back together, holding it in place with over 90 stitches.

Before leaving the ER for surgery, the incredible supervising doctor, Doctor Jordan Greer II, turned to Bridger’s father and said, “I want you to know he is the bravest patient I’ve ever had…I really mean it.”

The following morning—when his skilled and amazing plastic surgeon—Dr. Joseph F. Looby, checked in, he asked Bridger whether he had any pets. Bridger explained that he had two dogs, Elektra and Thor. When asked what kind of dogs they were, Bridger shrugged his shoulders and said, “nice ones.”

Upon returning home, Bridger’s little sister was so excited to see him. She ran to her father and declared that Bridger had protected her. Bridger’s whole family now appreciates all those little moments a little more now, understanding with a new realization of how fast life can turn.

In an effort to cheer Bridger up, his amazing Aunt Nicole shared his story in Instagram in hopes of getting just a few shout-outs from Bridger’s favorite big-screen superheroes (or possibly Mr. Beast—his favorite YouTube personality).

The response was both surprising and humbling. Our family was entirely unprepared. We are so appreciative of all the kind words, love, and prayers extended.

Numerous times over the following months, we will break into genuine tears after reading how our little Bridger touched a life.

The love and support we have received astounds us.

Somewhat ironically, prior to Bridger’s injury, our family had been discussing what we would say if we could spread one single message to the entire world. We had no real expectation that we’d ever get a chance. Heaven knows this world could use more positive messages.

After Bridger’s actions, our family has settled on a simple request: may we each actively strive to bear one another’s burdens; stand up for and protect those that are weak, oppressed, or those whom the world might forsake; mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that need comfort, and love one another.

May we follow Bridger’s example, approach the world as a child, and bring greater peace to our own homes, communities, states, and countries.