In early 2016, Bridger’s world was turned upside down. At nineteen (19) months old, we introduced him to his brand-new baby sister. As his parents, we were anxious about how he would react, but without hesitation, he jumped into the oversized hospital chair and waited patiently for his turn to hold her. Since that moment, there was a special bond between him and his sister. His little chubby-cheeked smile filled the room. When his grandpa asked for a turn, Bridger pointed to his chest, making clear his turn was not up. And so it continued for the next 15 minutes.
Since that time, Bridger rarely strays far from his little sister, sometimes to the irritation of her much less social nature. Bridger is gregarious, always learning, so full of love, and an absolute joy to have in our lives. Our home and our hearts would feel empty without him.